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Top 5 Foods to Build Strong Teeth & Bones

added on: December 22, 2020
Growing Great Grins

The main responsibility of your pediatric dentist in Spring is to care for kids’ smiles, and a big part of a healthy mouth is a healthy diet. While a healthy and balanced diet is important for everyone, it’s especially important for kids. Growing children need proper nutrition to build strong bones and teeth to set them up for a healthy life.  

Good Food For Strong Teeth

  1. Milk – This probably comes as no surprise as milk is always a popular recommendation from pediatricians and pediatric dentists, and for good reason. A powerful provider of calcium and phosphorus, milk is a great choice to help build strong teeth and bones. 
  2. Yogurt – Yogurt packs a healthy dose of protein as well as calcium, both of which are important for proper bone and tooth development. 
  3. Cheese – Rounding out the dairy food group, cheese not only provides kids with calcium and protein, but it also helps neutralize acids which protects teeth against cavities. 
  4. Broccoli – Broccoli is another great source of calcium, and one of the best vegetables your kid can eat to get their recommended amount. Though it’s best if eaten raw, lightly steamed broccoli can still be beneficial. 
  5. Blueberries – This colorful fruit is great for kids’ oral and overall health (and for moms’ health too!). Loaded with antioxidants, blueberries can protect against toxins, plus they have a high manganese content which keeps bones strong.    

What to Avoid

Choosing the right foods for your child’s growing body and smile is important, but avoiding foods that can be harmful is also just as vital. There’s a quick and easy test to see if it’s a food you should avoid or choose to let your kids eat in moderation. Ask yourself: 

  • Is it sticky? 
  • Is it sugary?
  • Is it left in the mouth for a long time (like a lollipop)? 

If the answer is yes to any of those, it’s best to look for an alternative. 

Proper nutrition is only one part of aiding in tooth development. It’s still important for your child to maintain a healthy at-home oral health routine of brushing and flossing every day and keeping regular appointments with his Spring pediatric dentist

Whether you’re concerned for your child’s dental health, or you’re just looking for a pediatric dentist near you to care for his smile, we’re more than happy to help. Give us a call to schedule an appointment today. 

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